But when I say let's pull the struts out from under this regime, it's not from a partisan perspective.

We must begin
dismantling this entire government-for-sale swindle, regardless of party. It's a grand scam, and it's undermining the very core of what this American experiment was supposed to be.
The US government should not be a wholly-owned subsidiary of corporate America. And the first step is to oust the GOP. They had their day—1000 of them so far—and they blew it. They've shown us what the once Grand Old Party has become. And it ain't so grand.
What the GOP has devolved into poses a greater risk from within than any threat from without.
There is a place in American politics for the basic tenants of traditional Republicanism. The give-and-take between the two parties has served us well, and will again. But now, not. What it has devolved into poses a greater risk from within than any threat from without.
In a galaxy far far away, I supported Republicans. I have actually sat at the same table with them. When Nixon died, most flags were not flying at half-staff, and I started a nationwide media campaign to correct this. With some modicum of success. But now they are behaving poorly, and need to be sent to their room for a little time out, to think about what they've done.
Once they see their party reduced to rubble, maybe they'll begin the process of rebuilding a party that truly represents the best interests of the people and not just their fat-cat corporate cronies. And we will welcome them back. But in the here-and-now, job one is to dethrone these greedy, racist, sexist, greedy dinosaurs. (The word greedy bore repeating.)
So whether you vote for me or not, I beseech you, replace as many members of this Republican cabal as possible and let's break this thing up. Then we can get to work on the Democrats.
Once we're out from under this, we can resume business as usual. Namely, a healthy tug-of-war. Our good old American past-time: bickering and squabbling. But for now, let's work together for 15 minutes and get me and my futon into the White House (or some other progressive candidate and whatever furniture they want to tacky up the oval office with), and let's start putting America back together again.