Our party is different.
In 3 key ways:
🇺🇸 It’s the only party in American history named after a crayon. It’s mostly blue, with a dollop of red. (Eisenhower red.)
🇺🇸 You don’t have to quit your party to join The Periwinkle Party. It’s a little add-on party. You can be a Periwinklillian and still be anything else you want.
🇺🇸 Unlike every other third party, its mission is not to siphon off votes or split tickets. It’s the opposite, actually. It draws people together.
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"Let’s put America back together again.
Not like it was ... better than it was."
Pilliard Dickle
The Periwinkle Party is a temporary alliance of people across 2/3 of the political spectrum— from your blues on the left to your purples in the middle—all standing toe-to-toe to topple this regime and start putting America back together again. After which, we can re-splinter and return to our regular-scheduled squabbling.
Just like our grandmothers and grandfathers did. They set aside their differences and stood together in the face of fascism. And won.
And so will we.